Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Now available is the latest book in the THREE GHOST FRIENDS series.

This is the longest, funniest, and silliest THREE GHOST FRIENDS book yet. And there is not 1, not 2, but THREE stories in this book!

In story number one, two ghost friends are sad October is over, but one ghost friend shows them how much fun Halloween can be all year long!

In story number two, three ghost friends share their own rendition of IN A DARK, DARK WOOD. Their rendition has a FUN, FUN ending!

In story number three, three ghost friends play a rhyming game that shares 28 words that rhyme with BOO! It is fast and fun!

Buy a copy today!


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Lego Mini-Ghosts! Step by Step Instructions

Legos needed (to make one ghost):

(6) 2 x 4 - white
(9) 2 x 2 - white
(1) 2 x 6 - white
(2) 2 x 3 - white
(2) 1 x 2 - white
(3) 2 x 2 - black

Triple these amounts to make THREE GHOST FRIENDS!

Download the printable directions or follow the step by step direction on this blog post:




Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Easy DIY Math Manipulatives - GHOSTS! from craft sticks

Add a little art to your math lesson!

I was cutting the ends off large craft sticks to make puppets for another lesson when I noticed the ends looked like ghosts!
All the ends were cut one at a time with a pair of scissors. We painted them white to make them look more like ghosts. 
After the paint was dry we added ghost faces with a black permanent marker.
It was fun to make them all different.
We made 20 ghosts.
Use the ghosts the way you would use any math manipulatives; add to the group, count, take away, count by groups, subitize, etc.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Pumpkin Seed Ghosts in the House

My children carved their pumpkins yesterday. Very spooky!
There were so many seeds! I collected a few, washed them, and let them dry overnight.
The seeds gave me an idea for craft to accompany Ghosts in the House by Kazuno Koharaone of our favorite Halloween books this year. The book is illustrated in orange and black. I grabbed a few pieces of orange and black construction paper and cut a house shape out of an orange piece.
I used an X-acto knife to cut window and door flaps.
Then, I used a glue stick to paste the house to a black piece of construction paper.
My daughter used a black marker to add details to the windows and doors. She used Ghosts in the House for inspiration.
Next, she used the black marker to draw ghost faces on the pumpkin seeds.
She dipped the back of the seeds in white glue and pasted them behind the flaps.
She added a few ghost pumpkin seeds to the outside too.
This was my haunted house.
Boo! Boo!
Try using a white colored pencil or white crayon to add more ghosts to the background.
Ghosts in the House is available on Amazon:

Monday, October 24, 2016

In a Dark, Dark Room...

My kids love the slightly scary, IN A DARK, DARK ROOM structured story. I have come across many variations (two of our favorite are IN A DARK, DARK ROOM by Alvin Schwartz and A BEASTY STORY by Bill Martin Jr. and Steven Kellogg). I thought there needed to be one that featured THREE GHOST FRIENDS. Enjoy the images below or download the PDF. Enjoy!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Ghost Apples!

Can you make Apple Ghosts?

I found a tombstone cookie cutter.
First, I cut around the core.
Then, we poured lemon juice on a plate and placed the apple slices in the juice. This will keep your apple ghosts from browning.
I cut a thin slice of apple and then used the cookie cutter to make the ghost shapes.
Mini-chocolate chips made the perfect eyes and mouth.
My daughter enjoyed putting on the eyes.

Put the apple ghosts on a stick and dip in caramel! Delicious!