Sunday, September 29, 2013

Earth Fare Community Block Party - My First Author Event

The Earth Fare Community Block Party was a blast. The weather was perfect! I got to talk to so many cool kids and families.  We read my books, played games, and colored Three Ghost Friends activity sheets.  I was so appreciative of the Earth Fare staff and the Solon community for welcoming me.  I could not have asked for a better experience for my first author event.

I owe a big "THANK YOU" to my dad for helping me get everything ready.
My books were only $5 each!
(Just like on Amazon! Did you get your copies yet?)
My favorite part of the day was sitting down with the kids!
There is nothing more cool than reading a book to a child and it makes them smile!
My youngest daughter is one of my biggest fans.  She makes me so happy when she brings me one of my books to read to her.
After I read to her, she asked Grandpa to read to her too. 
I had just read Three Ghost Friends: Learn About the ABCs with these two girls.  Then, they each got to pick out a Three Ghost Friends trading card.
Thank you to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law for bringing my niece to the event (and for taking these great photos!).  My niece brought her books for me to sign! How cool!
More thank yous --- I need to thank my wife, Lisa, for supporting me, my kids for behaving so well at the event, to Earth Fare for having the bouncy house (which helped them behave so well), and to my Mom and Dad for helping all day! It was a very memorable day!

New Photos courtest of Earth Fare Solon:

1 comment:

  1. Glad it went well! We were sad to have had to miss it... Soccer and a plumbing issue locked us down for the day.
