Thursday, September 19, 2013

Oreo Ghost Pops

I'll never claim to be a baker or a confectioner, but in the kitchen I like to give things a try.

I must say this up front...There are no hard feelings if you think my Oreo Ghost Pops don't really look like ghosts.  I say this because I had an image in my mind that these Oreo Ghost Pops were going to look fabulous, but I was left thinking that they looked just okay -- tasted great, but looked okay.

I hope by posting this and pinning it to Pinterest that someone with more experience working with chocolate will be inspired to make Oreo ghost pops. Because one thing is for sure, chocolate covered Oreos taste awesome, and having an Oreo pop that really looks like a ghost would be doubly-awesome!

First, I twisted apart all my Oreos. As you can see, I broke one and I had to eat it.
I melted the white chocolate wafers in a double-boiler on the stove. Then, I used a spoon to place a glob of chocolate on the oreo.  I placed the pop stick in the chocolate then placed the other part of the Oreo on top.
I let the chocolate set.  You could read all of my Three Ghost Friends books while you wait, or you could go pick up your preschooler from school like I did.
As soon as he got home he wanted to help. I dipped the Oreo pops in the melted chocolate and placed them on an empty cereal bag.  He added mini-chocolate chips for eyes. Some even got mouths!
Then, I drizzled chocolate on the bottom to make the Oreo have more of a ghost shape. (Not bad, but not fabulous either.)
This was my attempt at a really awesome photo for Pinterest. (Kinda just okay too.)
I think she is thinking, "Wow, Dad gave me something really yummy.  Usually it is just healthy stuff."
I think she liked it.
He did too. Thanks for your help, little guy!
Ha! I have been redeemed! After writing this blog, my oldest son came home from school and said, "All the kids at school wanted one of those oreo ghost pops.  One kid asked if you were a baker!"

OH MY! Amazon dropped the prices again on two of my books.  Opposites and Colors are both under $5! (as of September 19, 2013)

Pick up your copy today:

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