Friday, October 25, 2013

Giant Ghost Rice Krispie Treat

Our family was invited to a Halloween party and my wife responded to the hostess that we would bring a ghost-themed dessert.  I knew that there were going to be about 15 children at this party. I thought, "What kid doesn't like rice krispie treats?" I also thought that I really like frosting on a rice krispie treat.  Therefore, I decided that my little ones and I were going to make a GIANT ghost rice krispie treat!

We started with the recipe directly from  I had almost all the ingredients in the house (6 cups of Rice Krispies, 4 cups of mini marshmallows, 1/3 cup butter/margarine). But, I had to run to the store to get the butter!

My son poured the Rice Krispies into the bowl.  Unfortunately, the bowl I gave him was too small.
Once the Rice Krispies were in a new bowl I added the melted butter and marshmallows.  My kids were more interested in taste testing instead of stirring. So, I finished the stirring. I gave them the empty bowl to eat the leftovers.
I placed the entire contents of the bowl on our cake carrying tray.  Then, I flattened the mound of rice krispies with a piece of plastic wrap.  I used a spoon that I sprayed with cooking oil to shape the rice krispie mixture into a ghost. 
I used a whole can of frosting to cover the top.
I put on the eyes (two big chocolate chip wafers). My son insisted on a mouth too! He said, "It is saying BOOOOO!"
Our Giant Rice Krispie Ghost! Yum!

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