Sunday, November 3, 2013

What a Month...So Many People to Thank

Wow! What a month!

I never expected so many fun experiences could happen in such a short time.

The month leading up to Halloween was full of events that made it the best month ever for me as an author. 

I had a great start when discounted my paperback books for $5 each.  This allowed many people to pick up the whole series at a great price. The price was so good that it was cheaper for me to order my own books through Amazon than through my publisher, CreateSpace.  I took advantage of the great price too! I bought 10 copies of each book to make my first attempt at selling my books at local events. Thank you Amazon for lowering the price on the my books! Thank you to all my friends and family who shared the Amazon promotion on Facebook!

Earth Fare Solon Community Block Party
My first public event as an author was at Earth Fare in Solon, Ohio on September 28, 2013.  It was a beautiful fall day for all the vendors at the Community Block Party.  I got to sign books for the first time too! Thank you to Cathan, Earth Fare Solon Community Relations Manager for providing an opportunity for me to share my books with the Solon Community.

Front Page of Aurora Advocate
A huge surprise came on October 9th.  I got an email from Mike Lesko of the Aurora Advocate requesting an interview! I responded immediately and we talked on the phone that day.  The following week I went to the mailbox to read the article and was SHOCKED to see that I was on the front page!  The article was well written and accurate. This was great exposure! Thank you MIKE and the AURORA ADVOCATE! (Click here to read the article.)

Aurora Little Free Libraries
Our school district placed five Little Free Libraries around our community this month.  I donated copies of my books to each location.  The most exciting part is that we have one of the little free libraries in our front yard!  It is so cool seeing children and families stop by to grab a new book. Thank you to Pat Ciccantelli, Aurora City Schools Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, for asking me to be a part of this project!

Earth Fare Family Dinner Night
On October 24th, I was invited back to Earth Fare Solon for Family Dinner Night.  I had a table at the front of the store with Three Ghost Friends activities and coloring sheets.  The biggest hit were my Three Ghost Friends Halloween Cards.  There are so many people to thank -- the little guy who bought my book and hugged it after I read it to him, the Janzig, Himmel, and Stoycos families for coming to the event, my mother-in-law, Linda, for coming to help, my children for being so well behaved, and once again Cathan and the Earth Fare team!

Yogurt Plus Book Signing and Halloween Party
My wife and I went up to Yogurt Plus Rocky River the week before the event.  We made these frozen yogurt ghosts!
I was so excited to be having another author event! 
Yogurt Plus generously gave every child free frozen yogurt for attending.  Many children dressed up in their costumes too.  I had Three Ghost Friends activities and games at every table. We also had additional activities at the tables in the back of the shop.
It is so thrilling to sign a book for a child.
More people to thank -- My dad for putting together this event, Jim Horvath of Horvath Media Services for promoting the event, my brother-in-law Todd and sister-in-law Kelly for coming to the event, my niece Kendal for helping with the games and activities, Colleen Kessler of Raising Lifelong Learners for promoting and attending the event, Susan Reagan Author of TWEET HEARTS for "tweet"ing about the event, and Zoe for helping all the guests that came to Yogurt Plus!

First School Visit
I closed out the month with my first school visit! Miss McArthur invited me into her class to read my books for their Friday Fun activity.  I got a new hat to wear for the occasion too! I have read so many books to groups of children, but this time I was reading my books.  IT WAS AN AMAZING FEELING!  Thank you Miss McArthur for inviting me to read your classroom of well-behaved, attentive students.  I need to thank the little girl that said to me, "I really like your books. I really like those PIGEON books too." Yes, I was mentioned in the same breath as Mo Willems!

More Activities!
I added over 20 more activities and printables to the website. The OOZY FOAMY OVERFLOWY GHOST was one of the most popular posts. It was viewed over 6,500 times during the month! Thank you PINTEREST!
The Three Ghost Friends in our yard had a blast all month long. They changed colors, played in the leaves, roasted marshmallows, and even dressed up for Halloween.  
We are exhausted after this crazy month! But, we loved every minute of it! Before I go I have a few more thank yous -- My wife who brings out my best, my children for continuing to enjoy all the ghost activities, and everyone who bought my books or told someone about my books.


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